This last summer I had the joy of watching the Karate Kid series via Netflix as I watched my niece Emmerson. It took some diligence and time to keep at it between Emme breaks to play with her, feed her, and make sure she didn't get into anything dangerous, but I was able to accomplish my goal. I soon realized how awesome the Karate Kid truely is, and I vouch for its general awesomeness.
But besides awesome 1980's music like "Cruel Summer", Ralph Maccio in his prime, mollets, cut-off t-shirts, and pretty thrilling Karate stunts, the Karate Kid offers much more for us; the sage advice and guidance of Mr. Miyagi. Mr. Miyagi guides Daniel through his quest to becoming a great Karate master to overcome his fear of bullies through often odd and tedious actions. We all remember well the old "wax on wax off" method of Karate learning and how although frustrating and seemingly pointless at first, over time the pay off of these techniques were remarkable. I think the same thing applies to the gospel.
In the gospel we are asked to do certain things over and over again. These things a generally simple and easy to do; reading our scriptures, going to church, saying our prayers, taking the Sacrament; these are things that we do repeatedly. At times they may seem mundane, too simple, or overdone, we may want to move on to more exciting or "advanced" things in the gospel, or wish we didn't have to do these things so often. But just like the Karate Kid I know that these things repeated over time, will become the most amazing strength to us and provide us with application after application in the "real" world, just as it did for Daniel. So next time you feel "here we go again" with prayer, or scriptures, or whatever, just remember the old "wax on wax off" technique and remember that true power lies in dedication, discipline, and small accomplishments repeated over time. That is the best and truest way to build faith, strength, testimony, and love of the gospel. That is the best way to learn gospel "karate" to defend oneself against fear or trials in our lives, for true disciples are simply those who are disciplined enough to practice Christ's attribute of diligence to the Faith and gospel of Jesus Christ.
So remember "that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise." (
Alma 37:6) We like Daniel can master "karate" and have confidence in the face of adversity because of our heed and diligence to the small and simple things of life.