As a missionary I get asked the question "why do we need an organized church?" a lot. As long as we are aware of God and seek to be good people, why do we need a "middle man"? Well, I must admit, it is a valid question, and so, I have begun to research it. I found my answer in two ways-scriptures and an analogy.
1-One reason we have a Church is because God commanded it. All throughout the Bible and Book of Mormon we learn of God calling prophets to set up and establish Christ's church "for the perfecting of the saints" (Ephesians 4:13). Christ tells Peter "upon this rock I will build my church" (Matthew 16:18), the Old Testament speaks of "congregations", and Christ himself called 12 Apostles and set apart men to help Him bring others to Christ. Basically, Church was never man made, but God mandated. We have a church because God set one up for us, and He even names its purpose, "for the perfecting" of us. That leads me to reason number 2.
2-Many of us have had the chance to walk into a gym. In a gym we find people taking classes, lifting weights, running on the treadmill, and even those people that go just to check themselves out in the full size mirrors. A few of these people may have a personal trainer with them, showing them workouts that will best help them reach their fitness goals. To me the people who have chosen to have a personal trainer will get far more out of their gym experience then those going at it alone. They may reach many of their goals, but for the gym to have its best affect on them they need a personal trainer who has all the knowledge and tools under their belt to help personalize, motivate, and teach them how to use the gym to their best advantage. The personal trainer isn't a middle man or a roadblock in the gym members way of using the gym's facilities-he or she is only there to work with them as they use all the gym has to offer. This is exactly how I feel about Church. It is not that Church is in the middle of me and my relationship with God and His commandments. Rather, Church is there to work with me to fully understand God's dealings with His children, motivate, uplift, and help me reach my personal spiritual goals in an individual and real way. It is not a hindrance at all, rather, a blessing and a tool God has placed here for us. I don't need Church to have a good relationship with God, but I do need the Church to help me build the strongest relationship I can have with Him. I would feel ungrateful and horribly amiss to say I didn't need the help of the organization of Christ's Church to become all I can become-to reach my full potential. Otherwise, I would be selling myself short. I never could have learned what I have or had the strength to apply what I have learned without the help of church meetings, leaders, and the incredible Spirit I feel each time I enter the building. It has been my personal trainer, and I am eternally grateful for its role in my life; I would not be who I am without it.
Additional Information Church Organization/Attendance:
Bible Dictionary: Church
Bible Dictionary: Sabbath
3 Nephi 27:3-11
Leviticus 8:3-5 (example of congregations)
3 Nephi 18:1-25
Moroni 6:5-6
Doctrine and Covenants 59:9-15
Exodus 20:8-11
1 Corinthians 12
Mosiah 18:8-9, 25
Doctrine and Covenants 29:7-8
Alma 6:6
Matthew 18:20
John 10:16
Ephesians 2:19-20
This is a blog I have started to share with others things that I learn that have helped me "press forward" through the challenges of life and continue to work to become the best "me" I can be.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
More than a washing machine...

With it being April I have been reflecting a lot on the power that the Atonement can bring into our lives. As I reflected it reminded me of a blog my old missionary trainer wrote about t-shirts. She learned how to take a t-shirt and cut it up and tie it in such a way to make a beautiful scarf and related this to how we often feel like regular old t-shirts, yet we all have the potential to be so much more through Jesus Christ. It made me realize how just like the man on the cruise was only using part of the blessings that came with his cruise ticket, we often only use part of the blessings offered by the Atonement.

Jesus Christ,
restored gospel,
rock of our salvation,
washing machine
"I Believe in Christ, So Come What May"

Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Good Friends
In last October Conference Elder Richard G. Scott told us that "To memorize a scripture is to forge a new friendship." ("The Power of Scripture" October 2011 Conference). I've been thinking a lot about that phrase. What do good friends do? A good friend is there when you are frustrated, a good friend is there when you are discouraged, a good friend is there to make you smile, to encourage you, to stop you from doing something you'll regret... If we're blessed enough, we have a good friend somewhere for us in every single occasion in life. Good friends are there at the drop of a hat to help us. Good friends show up when we need them most; even if we didn't invite them to be there. Good friends help shape us, better us, and help us have joy in this life. With good friends around us, there isn't anything we cannot get through, accomplish, or become.
When I thought more about what a good friend does I realized that Elder Scott was right; scriptures are good friends. To become friends with someone you have got to take the time to get to know them. Only then can they be there when you need them. As we get acquinted with the scriptures then they will be avaliable to us at any time we need them; just like our good friends.
Below are people's experiences with their scripture "friends". If you would like to add your own experience please Facebook me and I'll post it. Thanks!
-Like good friends we often have one that is there for us the most or one that we go to when we need help the most. We usually have a scripture that is the same way. For me it is is Mosiah 27:16 "Remember the captivity of thy fathers". I love that phrase. No matter how bad I get myself in "captivity" I know that the power of the Lord is such that He can and will deliver me if I rely on Him and His grace.
-1 Nephi 20: 18: O that thou hadst hearkened to my commandments—then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea.
I like to modify this in my mind to say: Because thou hadst harkened to my commandments, thy peace be as a river and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea.
I love the imagery of this scripture because I love to sit by rivers and the ocean and hear the water move. It is so calming-and beautiful to watch. I always feel close to the Lord and awed by the majesty of it all.
-Whenever I need a good laugh I look up John 2:9. It is when Christ turns the dirty water into wine for the wedding feast. The verse reads "When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;)" I just like that there is a winky face in it because the servants knew where the wine had really come from.
-D&C 112:10
-2 Nephi 1:15
-Jacob 3: 1-2
-Jacob 2:8
-Doctrine and Covenantas 121:7-9
-Isaiah 41:10
-Nehemiah 4:23
-Moroni 10:5
-Enos 1:8
When I thought more about what a good friend does I realized that Elder Scott was right; scriptures are good friends. To become friends with someone you have got to take the time to get to know them. Only then can they be there when you need them. As we get acquinted with the scriptures then they will be avaliable to us at any time we need them; just like our good friends.
Below are people's experiences with their scripture "friends". If you would like to add your own experience please Facebook me and I'll post it. Thanks!
-Like good friends we often have one that is there for us the most or one that we go to when we need help the most. We usually have a scripture that is the same way. For me it is is Mosiah 27:16 "Remember the captivity of thy fathers". I love that phrase. No matter how bad I get myself in "captivity" I know that the power of the Lord is such that He can and will deliver me if I rely on Him and His grace.
-1 Nephi 20: 18: O that thou hadst hearkened to my commandments—then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea.
I like to modify this in my mind to say: Because thou hadst harkened to my commandments, thy peace be as a river and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea.
I love the imagery of this scripture because I love to sit by rivers and the ocean and hear the water move. It is so calming-and beautiful to watch. I always feel close to the Lord and awed by the majesty of it all.
-Whenever I need a good laugh I look up John 2:9. It is when Christ turns the dirty water into wine for the wedding feast. The verse reads "When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;)" I just like that there is a winky face in it because the servants knew where the wine had really come from.
-D&C 112:10
-2 Nephi 1:15
-Jacob 3: 1-2
-Jacob 2:8
-Doctrine and Covenantas 121:7-9
-Isaiah 41:10
-Nehemiah 4:23
-Moroni 10:5
-Enos 1:8
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