I was asked to bare my testimony on the Savior for a meeting on Easter Sunday. It could only be three minutes long and I thought to myself, how can I ever express my feelings on Jesus Christ in just three minutes? In preparation I read the lyrics to "I Believe in Christ". One of the last lines of the song reads "I believe in Christ, so come what may". I realized that that was my testimony of Christ. One of the greatest miracles of the Atonement is that it does not just save us from physical and spiritual death, it does not just promise to make up all of the unfairness we have in this life, and it does not just mean we can one day be back in the presence of our Heavenly Father again-it also means that there is absolutely nothing we will face in this life that can wipe the smiles off our faces IF we center our faith and lives in Jesus Christ. That is why He is the "rock of our salvation". If we build our lives on Him and Him alone then the winds and waves of mortality cannot bring us down. The Lord has said "Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have
(2 Nephi 2:25). That is our promise. I have experienced in my life that come what may I always have the right to peace, joy, progression, and fulfillment because Jesus Christ has opened the way for us to be so through His Atoning sacrifice. I testify that there is nothing His power cannot make right, nothing His love cannot heal, and nothing that He can not help us overcome and I say so in His name, Jesus Christ, Amen.
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