Maybe it is because I have been serving in Montana for "pert near" a year now, but as I was reflecting upon this part of the baptismal covenant the other day an image came to mind of sheep being branded into a flock. Before that moment that sheep may have been around the other sheep that the shepherd had, but it is when he is branded with the shepherds personal mark that that sheep is recognized by all who see him as a member of that specific fold. If that sheep is ever lost, stolen, or hurt anyone who finds it will be able to return it to his shepherd. Whatever that sheep does that others see him do will become a reflection of how others view his shepherd. And most of all, the longer that sheep lives among his fold the more he will learn to recognize the voice of his shepherd-allowing them to more perfectly follow his calls.
And that is how it is when we are baptized. We take upon the name-or brand-of Christ. Our actions will be seen by others as a reflection of Him whom we call our Shepherd. When we are lost, hurt, or "stolen" by the temptations of the world then others around us

And just as a brand does not last forever, we must "re-brand" ourselves every week by partaking the Sacrament and renewing that covenant we made with God. We cannot afford for our brands to become faded with time and the Sacrament provides us with the means of renewing that brand often, and keeping our thoughts on our Shepherd each week.
I know that baptism is one of the greatest blessings we can have in this life and that through this ordinance we really do enter the flock of God. In His own words there is "no other way" (2 Nephi 31:21) to Him. His commandments are here to bring us joy and keep us safe, and baptism is no exception. His plan truly is a plan of happiness.
Additional Scriptures:
John 10:4, 14-15
Mosiah 26:18, 21-22
For more about baptism:
Bible Dictionary: Baptism
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