
Friday, June 8, 2012

Eggs Over Easy

I happen to love food. Especially breakfast food. I can think a few more beautiful sights than an the blue beacon of an IHOP sign. I remember one day a friend and I treated ourselves to an IHOP breakfast. They were having a special on a large breakfast centered around stuffed french toast. When we placed our orders the waitress tried to talk us out of it, saying it was a LOT of food. I took that as a challenge. Soon I was delighting over a delicious breakfast, and the best part? The eggs.

Eggs are tricky; I either hate or love them. The trick to me is when the yoke is cooked I tend to not like them, when its runny they are delicious. There are few things worse to me than boiled eggs, but there are few things better to me than poached eggs cooked over easy. This reminds me of one of my favorite verses in the New Testament, Matthew 11:28-30 :

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

As I read that all the times it said "me" and "my" stood out to me. I used to think of this verse as letting Christ into our yoke with us to help strengthen us, and I think that is true. But as I read it this time I thought of it more of taking the yoke we had on us off, and putting on Christ as our yoke. The load we carry is what we choose to think about, dwell on, and put at our center. Rather than carrying the heavy load of our trials and sorrows we can literally take that yoke off and replace that burden with Christ. If the only thing we had to carry was the love of God (Jesus Christ-John 3:16), can you imagine how light that "burden" would be? Of course we will always have difficult times, and sometimes life will feel heavier than we can bare, but during those times we have Christ offering to us a lighter load; Himself. All we have to do is make Christ our focus instead; turn our thoughts, actions, and desires towards Him rather than anything else we are carrying. With Him as our yoke there is literally nothing you and Him can't overcome together, and not only that, there will come into our lives a far greater peace and solace.So like our eggs we have a choice, over easy or over hard-we can continue to carry all that is weighing us down, or we can choose put on the yoke of our Savior.


  1. Michelle, Thanks for this wonderful post and strengthening me today. I know all you have said is true about exchanging our burdens' for the Lords. I love you with all my heart and hope you know that your thoughts and testimony bring me more joy than you can fully understand!!!
    Love you and cant' wait to go to IHOP with you or at least cooked you some perfect poached eggs.

  2. Brilliant. I could hear you telling this story in my head!
